Tuesday 29 May 2012

Friday 4 May 2012

What's Good In Technology Tools


               This is the new web browser that everyone should be using. If you  are still stuck on internet explorer, its time for you to check out Firefox. It is so much faster and safer. You can add on tabs and delete them easily. It  allows you to save passwords, so that it is easy to log in to a frequently visited site. I like how when your computer shuts down for no reason it allows you to restore your previous session.


Allows me to view all classes that are using moodle. I can easily switch from one class to another. It keeps me informed of when class assignments are due. I like the little calendar that highlights a particular date of when an assignment is due. It lets me know to check and stay on task therefore I am able to plan out when I will have to turn in my assignments. Moodle is a great tool for all students to use. 


I would definitely recommend anyone to use Google Apps. I am able to access my blog directly through the email. The calendar is so convenient, I am able to connect to my iphone so that I can include all events in one calendar on my phone. The google documents makes group meetings so convenient, my group members and I are able to place all information on one document and edit together.


 This site allows gives you the opportunity to share resources with others. It allows you to create tabs and subtabs so you can organize your resources conveniently. This site would be useful for teachers to   share different various resources. You are able to view other binders
                                                  that are public and made by other people.


Weebly is a very easy to use website creator. There are many themes that you can choose from. It is easy to navigate through the site in order to create your page. It also allows you to easily share this site with different people and its easy for them to view. There aren't too many special graphics that you can place on your page. It is possible to         create a website for free but, there are some multimedia features that
  are not available unless you purchase an upgrade.  


Wix is recommended for the patient few. When I first created a website,  I did begin with trying out Wix,  and I found it to be lagging. I had to use Microsoft Word to first type out what I wanted on the site and then had to copy and paste onto Wix. When I tried adding some graphics it took awhile to upload.  Although, It is easy to navigate through the website. There are many graphics that you are able to add to your website, I beleive more than compared to another I used. There
are also many unique themes that can be used. 


Edmodo is awesome social networking for learning. Teachers are able to create a classroom online.You are able to create a profile and can add your fellow classmates.  Teachers can post upcoming events and assignments.  Students are able to interact with the teacher and other classmates as well. Teachers are able to take polls and post surveys that students can participate in. It is safe and secure, once a student is invited they are given a code to log into the group that was created by 
 the teacher. I would definitely recommend this site for teacher's of high 
 school students. 


One of my favorite technology tools this semester was, Voki. It is so amazing!! There were a couple times when I used to let my professor know I was going to be absent from class. It allows you to create a character of your own, type in a message, and it speaks for you. You're able to change the character's voice, whether it be male or female, and language you wish for it to speak. I would recommend this for students with disabilities to use. Voki would give a voice for students that are unable to talk.