Sunday 17 June 2012


      Awesome first week of my second class for Summer Session A!!  (Wondering why I'm only mentioning second class..cause my first class is on hold till July) I have learned so much and it is starting to make me think about possibly being certified in Special Education. There are Graduate students in our class that are pursuing their Master's Degree in SPED and they have shared what they have experienced in their classroom. This week has made me realize that teaching is something that I want to do and I am ready to take on the challenges that may come my way. I have such a strong passion for it.

      I was also happy to share some new information with one of my group-mates (and I'll share with you as well). This was information she found helpful and could use in future classes. The first one is the citation website that you can enter the ISBN number of the book and it will cite it for you in MLA or APA format. The site is: on the link and check it out!! I found it to be very easy and helpful when citing a book. The second one was the use of Google Docs. We were able to complete one of our assignments together online in one document using Google Docs. You're going to have to explore this one yourself and maybe you could find a youtube video on it. This program allows you to create simple documents, spreadsheets, presentations and tables online and share with a group of people to edit or simply view...everyone must have a gmail account in order to use this.

     Now I'm studying for Quiz 1 tomorrow, preparing for a presentation that is to take place at the end of the week, and a brochure due the following Monday. Two more weeks for this class, then its a couple days break, and Summer Session C begins!! Oh school... I <3 U too much!!!

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